Our Founder

“A leader is a dealer in hope”

Napoleon Bonaparte

Bonamelo Moloi


Why Bonamelo Melisizwe?
Philanthropy is a passion of mine, and one that  refuse to be dimmed by my current bank balance. Bonamelo means “Prosperity,” a present continuous tense, and Melisizwe means “standing up for the nation.”  believe that real value and impact is achieved by striving towards prosperity for all nations, regardless of race, origin, and/or ethnicity. The Bonamelo Melisizwe Foundation exists to help all nations through meaningful collaboration to create opportunities for less-advantaged individuals, one community at a time.

When did it all start for you?
Being a work in progress from the township (born and raised),  have always believed that all humans are equal and none are more equal than others. Therefore, we can be more than the preset limitations of the environment wherein we are born.

My exposure to opportunities has been purely by the grace of God, and that appreciation has aroused my driven intent to add value everywhere  go. My first big gig was assuming a project lead opportunity to head the execution of the National Research Foundation’s annual National Science Week in 2017, which we successfully implemented for two years into 2018.  was then part of Kasi Science, a township focus-driven committee to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) Education and Awareness. Not long after that,  was chairperson of another charity but somehow, it was clear to me that God had given me my own vision.

That’s how we landed up here today, with the Bonamelo Melisizwe Foundation.
To God be the glory.

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